“Come Tessuto Non Tessuto”, the roots of an industrial character
On the occasion of Tessiture Pietro Radici’s 75 years of activity, RadiciGroup, the Group's mother company, presents the publication that traces the history of the company within the framework of glocal economic history.
In a square shape with a white cover featuring the entrepreneurial stories of the Group, Come Tessuto Non Tessuto [Line Non-Woven Fabric] narrates the 75-year history of Tessiture Pietro Radici with articles and images edited by Leone Belotti and Andrea Zanoletti, in addition to the previous publications “Cosa Vuol Dire Nylon” [What Nylon Means] (2014, dedicated to the 50 and 40 years of RadiciFil and RadiciYarn] and “Chi Fa Chimica” [People in Chemistry] (2016, dedicated to the 30 years of Novara Chimica).